3 Simple Mom Tips You'll Want To Use Right Now-"Easy Time Saving Mom Tips"- Pt.1

When it come to saving time tips and things that will save time in the home, I'm all over it.

This is Part 1 of Simple Mom Tips You'll Want To Use Right Now- Easy Time Saving Mom Tips

I want to preface this post with a little intro to myself and my family.  My name is Kenia and I am a wife and mother. My hubby and I have 6 children, and if saving time is not on our list of things to do, we have failed!! 😏

Seriously though, saving time and tips to making life simpler is something I am always on the search for or coming up with a way to make life easier.

I like to keep my posts short, if you're not familiar with me, just because I know as a mother time is of the essence.  I want you to get what you came for in a short and sweet and to the point sort of way. (with a little humor on the side)

So here we go...

Tip #1- 3 Simple Mom Tips You'll Want To Use Right Now-"Easy Time Saving Mom Tips"- Pt.1

#1 Always have a blanket near your dryer.

Let me explain.. I think you'll like this.

If you're like me, then even though laundry is a must in the busy mom life, you may not like to do it and feels like its a pain.

Without fail, no matter how many laundry baskets I have, I usually don't have one when I need it of course.  Here's where your blanket comes in  handy.

Grab your blanket and unfold it and start putting your dry clean clothes in the blanket.  Grab your ends together of your blanket and haul it into the bedroom or couch or wherever you fold your clothes. :D

Super easy.... and you don't have to break your back trying to pick up the basket, that is no doubt overfull haha!

Tip #2- 3 Simple Mom Tips You'll Want To Use Right Now-"Easy Time Saving Mom Tips"- Pt.1

#2 Always keep a big mixing bowl on your counter when you're cooking. ALWAYS!

Here's the simple reason.

Raise your hand, if you go to the trash can a million times to throw something away so that you can have room to continue cutting or trimming something. YESSS!! That's me, unless I remember to get my bowl.

You start cutting veggies, fruit, or meat and you are running to the trash can(that is if you don't have one of those fancy trash disposers on your island) ya.. I don't either.. ;)

Keep that bowl on your counter and when you're done fixing that favorite recipe, you'll only have to go to the trash can once!

This saves so much time!

Tip #3- 3 Simple Mom Tips You'll Want To Use Right Now-"Easy Time Saving Mom Tips"- Pt.1

This tip is so fun! I think it is anyways... My hope is that you'll love it too.

One quick rabbit trail though before I let you go....

Are there more time saving mom tips?  Absolutely yes!! My goal is to continue adding to this for you moms out there, but I don't want to give it to you all at once right now.... 

As a mom, I can get overwhelmed with so much information online and my hope is that with little bite size tips in short posts, you can get something done right now! and not wait for more infromation and go into information overload.  What happens when you get overloaded?  Right! Nothing gets done. This is why this is part 1.

With these 3 simple Mom tips, I believe you can implement them right away and get something done.

Back to our last tip for today

#3 - Keep a small measuring cup or bowl of water in the sink with one to two drops of lemon oil in it.

So what's my reason for this? you may be asking...

If you are a wash by hand type of mom(less children) or a dishwasher type of mom(a ton... like me lol)  the utensils sometimes can be a pain, especially if you can't get to them right away or you're waiting for the dishwasher to fill up to justify a run.

Simply drop the utensil throughout the day into that bowl and half the work will be done, by the time you get to washing.

The lemon oil will help dissolve the food, make your utensils shiny, and your kitchen will smell great, plus help lift your mood. WIN WIN!!

I'm looking forward to sharing Part 2 real soon!

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Kenia is a stay at home mother of 6, happily married and loves helping other stay at home mother to enjoy the cooking life while having kids in the home.  Doable even though it's challenging. She enjoys cooking trying new recipes, making new recipes and keeping up with her kiddos. 

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